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What is the Procedure to Obtain a Certified Copy of a CSEC Cerrtificate

 Good  Day Sir or Madam.

Can you please advise me what is the procedure to obtain a certified copy of my CSEC certificate?I wrote an  emails on 26 April 2017  followed up by Sending a request  on the 28 April 2017.

Unfortunately I have not gotten a reply to either of my correspondence to CXC. The information on the site  said that  request will be processed/ answered in 24 hours , At present the  ticket request says it is pending.

I have also  made several calls to CXC  but the phone gets disconnect after the operator answers and I sate my request.

I shall be grateful if  someone can  assist me please.


Ryan Clarke

7 people have this question

Good day Ryan

All candidates who sat CXC examinations in 2017 with receive their preliminary results in August and the certificate will be ready for collection in November to December at your school/centre.

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Thank you for contacting us.


Please visit the link below to request your replacement certificate. The cost of each replacement certificate is USD$105.00, plus an additional USD$40.00 to have it sent to you by courier service (within and outside of the Region) or USD$15.00 for courier service within Barbados.

Certificates take three (3) weeks to process.

Alternatively, you can also print and complete the form (see link to form below), purchase a bank draft and mail the draft and relevant documents to:

The Registrar 

Caribbean Examinations Council

Prince Road

Pine Plantation Road,

St. Michael BB11091, Barbados

Replacement certificate request form -

Should you need further assistance, feel free to contact us at +1 (246) 227-1700 / +1 (876) 630-5200.

Kind regards,

CXC Support Team

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